Canadian Chapters
Over 100 Years in Canada
Sigma Chi Canadian Foundation
The mission of the Sigma Chi Canadian Foundation (SCCF) is to strengthen Sigma Chi in Canada. SCCF exists as a vehicle for Undergraduate Chapters, Alumni Chapters and/or House Corporations to raise tax-deductible funds for educational purposes – primarily for the benefit of Undergraduate Chapters and brothers. For more information, visit or the Sigma Chi Canadian Foundation.
Undergraduate Chapters
Beta Omega, University of Toronto & Ryerson University
Installation: Apr 22, 1922 (86th Chapter, 1st Canadian Chapter)
Toronto, Ontario | Ontario Province
Gamma Lambda, McGill University
Installation: Jan 29, 1927 (87th Chapter, 2nd Canadian Chapter)
Montreal, Quebec | Saint Lawrence Province
Gamma Rho, Dalhousie University & St. Mary’s University
Installation: May 5, 1933 (94th Chapter, 3rd Canadian Chapter)
Halifax, Nova Scotia | North Atlantic Province
Delta Omicron, University of British Columbia & Simon Frazer University
Installation: Jan 22, 1949 (131st Sigma Chi Chapter, 4th Canadian Chapter)
Vancouver, British Columbia | Northwestern Province
Epsilon Omicron, University of Western Ontario
Installation: Jun 27, 1957 (149th Sigma Chi Chapter, 5th Canadian Chapter)
London, Ontario | Ontario Province
Theta Psi, University of Waterloo
Installation: Mar 28, 1987 (213th Sigma Chi Chapter, 6th Canadian Chapter)
Waterloo, Ontario | Ontario Province
Iota Mu, Wilfrid Laurier University
Installation: Mar 18, 1989 (208th Sigma Chi Chapter,
7th Canadian Chapter) Waterloo, Ontario | Ontario Province
Iota Rho, Bishop’s University
Installation: Feb 24, 1990 (213th Sigma Chi Chapter,
8th Canadian Chapter) Sherbrooke, Quebec | **currently inactive**
Kappa Mu, University of Windsor
Installation: Apr 9, 1994 (228th Sigma Chi Chapter, 9th Canadian Chapter)
Windsor, Ontario | East Michigan Province
Lambda Theta, University of Ottawa
Installation: Nov 20, 2010 (237th Sigma Chi Chapter,
10th Canadian Chapter) Ottawa, Ontario | Saint Lawrence Province
Mu Zeta, Brock University
Installation: Dec 1, 2018 (258th Sigma Chi Chapter,
11th Canadian Chapter) St. Catharines, Ontario | Ontario Province
Sigma Chi Mu, Mount Royal University
Colony Status
Calgary, Alberta | Big Sky Province
Canadian Alumni Chapters
East Coast -to- West Coast
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Montreal, Quebec
Ottawa, Ontario
Toronto, Ontario
Windsor, Ontario
Calgary, Alberta
Vancouver, British Columbia
Connect with Us
With Brothers across Canada (and North America), regardless of where you were initiated, you are always welcome to connect with me.